
Starting your job search from scratch
Laura Santiago Laura Santiago

Starting your job search from scratch

Job hunting in a new industry without contacts can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Focus on quality over quantity, tailor each application, and manage your energy to avoid burnout. Remember that persistence and a strategic approach can lead to success, even if it takes time. By sharing my experience, I hope to provide a realistic perspective and actionable advice for those navigating a similar journey.

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Laura Santiago Laura Santiago

Your Guide to Surviving the First 3 Days After a Breakup

Breakups are never easy. Whether you’re the one who initiated the split, or the one wo received the news, the emotional turmoil can be overwhelming. Having been through this cycle more times than I’d like to admit, I’ve developed a personal strategy to cope with the immediate aftermath.

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Not Settling: Deciding That You Deserve Better In Relationships
Laura Santiago Laura Santiago

Not Settling: Deciding That You Deserve Better In Relationships

There are a lot of different ways someone might settle in life. It could be in their choice of career, the place where they decide to live or the people they allow into their lives. It usually involves making a choice that is different to or compromises one’s ideals.

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Laura Santiago Laura Santiago

New Love After Divorce

In the early stages of divorce, I remember looking, in amazement, at people who had previously been through the process and appeared to be happy in their current relationships. I didn’t know how long that might take for me, but it was always something that gave me a sense of hope for a better future.

Look, there are so many pieces of your life that you’re probably putting back together after a breakup. Love is an important one.

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