
  • Woman looking out a window feeling anxious about the uncertainty in her life

    Tips for Dealing with Uncertainty and Emotional Turmoil

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When it comes to the much of the divorce advice on the internet I think there isn’t enough emphasis on supporting your wellbeing. In my experience, prioritizing my own care has been a crucial foundation for healing and growth throughout the entire process. Divorce can be emotionally and mentally draining, often leaving you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of yourself. The common self-care practices people engage in are exercise, meditation, therapy or even simply taking time for oneself. Self-care is quite personal but the one thing that I feel is universal to everyone is that it is meant to be undertaken with the intent to genuinely care for oneself. For example, exercise is often used as a tool to alter one’s body as though it is not good enough in its own current form. This is not a kind or caring way to treat oneself. In fact, it’s quite punishing. But consider the idea of exercise that is done with the intent to help your body improve its mobility, or as a daily practice to ensure it stays in working condition. This is care. And care isn’t only found in the things you put on your to-do list, it starts with how you feel about yourself and how willing you are to give yourself grace. If you are going through a divorce or major life changes I hope that you consider self-care as one of the important tools to carry with you on your journey.

Why Start with Self-Care?