Tips on How to Get Your First Freelancing Job on Upwork

You’ve probably seen that freelancing is a great work option for newly divorced or single mothers who are still raising children. There are plenty of skilled jobs that can be done remotely like data entry, writing, graphic design, and more.

Prior to freelancing, I never would have called myself a professional writer. I always did write as a byproduct of other work I was doing but never considered it to be my specialty, per se. However, it became apparent as I started to get work that I definitely had a set of skills that people found useful and could not do, or dedicate the time to do, themselves.

Breaking into the freelancing world can be a daunting task, especially on competitive platforms like Upwork. But with the right strategy and persistence, you can land your first job and build a successful freelancing career. Here are some of the tips that helped me land my first job.

Please do keep in mind that freelancing platforms like Upwork do have specific policies that you’ll want to follow to make sure you’re working within their guidelines.


My First Job Experience on Upwork

The very first job I got on Upwork was to write an introductory email for a moving company. I charged a flat $30 fee because I knew how important it was to start off with a 5-star review. When I applied for the job, I was clear that the low fee was not reflective of the quality of my work but rather an enticement to give me a chance. I made it known that I was looking for a 5-star review since I was new.

I figured people who were really looking to save would take a chance. After a quick chat/interview over the platform, I landed my first job. I spent much more time and attention than the job warranted because I wanted to over-deliver. This approach paid off, as I did two other simple jobs for a nominal amount to build my rating record, and then I started to double my prices and so on.


Getting Your First Upwork Job

Getting that first job can take a lot of hustle. With no rating record, I probably applied to 20-30 jobs before I got a genuine response. Here are some things that worked for me and might get you started on your freelance journey on Upwork:


Tips to Get Started on Upwork

1. Create a Great but Simple Profile

Look at other freelancers’ profiles to see what they include. Keep your message focused on what you can do for the client. Include keywords related to specialized fields you’ve worked in so the right clients will find you.

2. Have a Portfolio of Your Work Available

Showcase a variety of work, but focus on the type of work you want to continue doing. This makes it easier for clients to see your capabilities.

3. Create a Custom Cover Letter

Avoid copy-pasting cover letters. Write something specific for each client, showing that you’ve read their job posting. Mention relevant experience and ask questions about the work. Personalizing your cover letter helps you stand out.

4. Attach Relevant Work Samples

Show clients that you’ve successfully completed similar work. If you’re applying to write web copy for a financial services company, provide samples from similar industries. This demonstrates your capability to handle their project.


Extras to Stand Out When Bidding for Upwork Jobs

1. Create Your Own Website

A personal website can showcase your work and provide more information about you. Keep communication on Upwork, but use your website link in your cover letter signature to provide additional context about your skills and experience. At the time I was using this platform this was allowed, please be sure to check the current communication standards. They can be somewhat strict.

2. Consider Flat Pricing

People appreciate knowing the cost upfront. If you can estimate how long your work takes, offer a flat price. This approach is appealing, especially to small business owners with limited budgets.

3. Bid on One-Time, Small Projects First

Start with smaller projects to ensure you work well with the client. If the project is long-term, suggest completing a piece of it for a flat price initially.

4. Respond Quickly

Download the Upwork app and be responsive to messages. Prompt replies build confidence and show that you’re easy to communicate with. If you need more time to provide detailed information, let them know when you’ll follow up.

5. Deliver Excellent Work

Aim to exceed expectations on every project. Many of my repeat clients came from delivering high-quality work initially. You never know which clients will bring you ongoing work, so always put forth your best effort.


Being Discerning About Clients

Over time, you’ll develop a sense of which jobs are legitimate and which might be problematic. Trust your instincts and be discerning about the clients you choose to work with. Here are some red flags:

  • Low Price Promises More Work Later: Often, this means they don’t want to pay you much now and there’s no guarantee of future work.

  • Nitpicky and Price Negotiators: Clients who negotiate down an already low price and are overly picky can be difficult to work with and may require many revisions.


Final Thoughts

Landing your first freelancing job on Upwork takes persistence and a strategic approach. By creating a compelling profile, writing personalized cover letters, and showcasing relevant work samples, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, the key is to hustle, deliver excellent work, and build a solid reputation that will lead to more opportunities. Good luck on your freelancing journey!


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