About The Modern Workweek

The Modern Workweek blog was always intended to be about the journey of me creating a new concept of work-life balance after becoming a second-time mother. I threw that idea out the window when I discovered a more interesting story happening, namely my unexpected divorce.

So, I’m sharing lessons on that here.

These are topics I feel like I’m constantly talking about, and I’m happy to share. So, now I can send people links to posts if I’m short on time :)

As far as the other topics, I happen to have some insights into Australia as an American (well, now a dual citizen) living overseas. And I’m a loyal Hyatt customer when I travel. I often look at blogs (the real non-curated ones) to see what places actually look like so I thought I’d add my pics and experiences. You’ll see I love a hotel room-service breakfast.
