Start here if you’ve decided on divorce

Let’s start with the end.

I’m at a resort, working remotely at a job I love, feeling as much purpose as I have yet to-date in my life. I have meaningful friendships, make decisions for myself, and co-parent two well-adjusted children.

I had no idea that I’d ever be here.

All I knew 8 years ago was that I couldn’t move forward with the marriage I was in.

I’m here to reassure you, that’s all you need to know right now if you are at the start of your process.

You’ll see I’ve left you plenty of advice in the form of what I did and what worked for me. You’ll likely come up with your own plan and that’s great. Do not get overwhelmed with all of the pieces that need to come together, you’ll have a chance to deal with each thing in its own time.

One thing I wish I understood from the outset is that playing out different scenarios in my head was simply creating a cycle of anxiety for me. Much later in the process I learned to trust myself and my decision-making. It still caused me discomfort, but I didn’t unnecessarily add to it by overthinking.

Remember, one thing at a time, one step at a time.


What to do During Your First Week at Work


How to Improve Your Decision-Making During Divorce